Once Upon a Time...

I must admit... I'm a sucker for a good fairy tale. I still love watching Disney movies with my kiddos. There's just something about two people overcoming unsurpassable odds and trials, and in the end living happily ever after. I would like to think of our life that way, even though it is FAR from over and we still face trials and challenges. 

So, today I would like to share with you about Us. March 1 will mark my and Jon's 13 year anniversary. We fought to be here 13 years later, and with God's help our marriage has only gotten better. We met at a small gas station Jon's dad owned. I would routinely stop there to fill up my Chevy Station Wagon on my way to and from high school. It was hard to miss that big blue car! Especially when a teenage girl hopped out of it. It was not my favorite by far! I was 17 and Jon was 21. We married nearly a year after we met. Many called it Fool's Love, and maybe it was at first. 

But God had a great story to tell...  

Seven months after our wedding day we became pregnant with Sky. Although my pregnancy was normal and full-term, I was so sick!! I pretty much felt like crap the whole time. I worked for a corporate company at the time, and I had over an hour drive each way to work. I remember pulling off the side of the road just to open my door and get sick. A bathroom stall unofficially had my name on it as that was the one I always ran into. Can anyone else relate?! 

The struggle was real; I couldn't wait to be un-pregnant. 

After 24 hours of unsuccessful back labor, the doctor decided to perform a cesarean. And that was how our precious Sky man came into this world! He was healthy and LOVED to breastfeed!  

And so a new chapter in our story began...

Jon and I seriously had no idea what we were doing. We were brand new parents, and unfortunately our marriage was on the rocks. Thank goodness the Lord brought people into our lives who poured into us, and taught us how to be Godly spouses and parents. If it weren't for our faith, we wouldn't be here to share this story. Marriage truly is a three stranded cord. 

As Sky man grew, we knew he wasn't developing as he should. I couldn't help but compare his development to those who had babies similar in age. I felt ashamed to even do that, so for a time we were in denial about Sky's progression. However, we couldn't keep a blind eye for long and we needed answers. Sky started therapy at one year of age, undergone three surgeries and had test after test done. I was in tears the first time he no longer cried from getting blood drawn. When he was nearly three he was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome. We had never heard of it, and we were scared... 

Nothing prepares the soul for hearing your first born has been diagnosed with a genetic disorder. But even through the trials our faith brought us through, and we are grateful for the sorrows. As we know true joy. 

This is the beginning of our little story... I would love to hear your comments below. 

Until next time... Live without limits. 

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